Over twenty years ago we were fortunate to raise considerable amounts of money towards the costs of the restoration of the windmill at Windmill Hill. This enabled the Windmill Hill Windmill Trust to restore the mill and open it to the in 2006. Since then, we have undertaken a second stage, to restore the milling machinery so that the mill can be fully operational. This remains our goal, despite some setbacks, including recently having to replace the original sweeps at a cost of £60,000.
Each year it costs about £7,500 to maintain the windmill – and we also try to put £2,500 aside for future major repairs. We raise funds by opening the mill to the public every year, but it is a challenge to build up the reserves that we need to ensure that the mill is safe for generations to come. Most grant giving trusts prefer to fund specific projects but what we need now is the security of having sufficient funds to pay for the general upkeep of the mill each year.
Can you help us to secure the future of the windmill? Please donate what you can and/or consider leaving us a legacy in your will. Your contribution will benefit generations to come.
You can become a Friend of the Windmill Hill Windmill and receive our regular newsletters. Please read our Data Privacy statement and if you are content for us to hold your name and email then please press the link to download the application form. Friends Application Form
You can make a donation by PayPal, cheque, cash or direct banking. Please email windmillatwindmillhill@gmail.com for our bank account details.
The restored Windmill is a landmark in the 1066 Country. This Grade II* listed building is a fine example of our industrial heritage. If you would like to sponsor the windmill in anyway then please contact us.
Make a gift to the Windmill Hill Windmill Trust in your will, and help to ensure that the windmill is maintained for generations to come. Because we are a charity your gift will be exempt from inheritance tax. Talk to a solicitor about how to leave a legacy to the windmill.
A membership number costs £24 a year. A percentage of the cash collected every month is returned as prizes, the rest goes to support the windmill. Please see the 100 Club Form 2021 for more information.
Do you shop online? Do it through easyfundraising.org.uk and raise a free donation for Windmill Hill Windmill Trust every time you shop! https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/whwt/