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Since the restoration was completed in 2006, the Trustees have many firms and individuals to thank

Perkins Copeland & Co – Chartered Accountants for Accounts and financial advice

Mark Corliss Desk Top Publishing – newsletters, flyers, concert programmes

Brewers – Preservative and paint for the interior and exterior of the mill

Bernard Coomber of Maytyme Engineering for work to drive gearbox of the Automatic Turning Device.

Allan Roalfe of Curtis & Shaw (Sussex) Ltd for work to drive gearbox of the Automatic Turning Device.

Toby Russell – for webcam, website, web hosting, weather station hosting.

Vector Instruments, Rhyl for supply of Wind vane and Anemometer.

Peter French of Pico Technology, St Neots, Cambridgeshire for technical advice and supply of data logging hardware and software.

Anton Chittey of Vishay Measurements Group UK Ltd, Basingstoke for technical advice and supply of strain gauges

Stamco – Suppliers of timber

Trimseal – Suppliers of Acrylic and Glass Sheets

AkzoNobel Wood Finishes UK – supply of Sikkens Brand Paint – local rep Tony Westgarth

The late Michael Chapman for technical help, support and advice

The Windmill was restored with grant aid from:

Heritage Lottery Fund
English Heritage
WARR Partnership
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
East Sussex County Council
Wealden District Council
The Clothworkers’ Foundation
The Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust
The Mercers’ Company
Paragon Trust

The following individuals and groups provided invaluable help in enabling the mill to open to the public in 2006.

Interpretation design – Timothy Crum, Fine Architecture Ltd
Legal advice – John Midgley, Gaby Hardwicke
Photographs –  Adrian Gates Photography
Historic photographs – Robert Girling, Hailsham Camera Centre
Drawings for activity sheets – Pat Bruce
Display equipment  – Paul Wigfield, QED Productions Ltd
Cupboard and desk – Mervyn of Touchwood
Original Website – Paul Brewer
Logo design – Puan Swee
Voluntary labour – The Friends of the Windmill
Glossary and advice – Peter Hill, Sussex Mills Group